
South Yarra has a strong history of industry and connection to the city. This, as well as the site’s location next to the train line, are the primary influences in the design concept for this proposal.
At street level, a heavy stone base is proposed for the podium. The thick grid members accentuate the intended industrial and functional motif. At the upper levels, the building is setback to align with the neighbouring tower and setback further to break the form up and reduce visual bulk.
Three segments are formed with differing articulation each influenced by industry, railway and mining.
The top of the tower is defined by a separate crown to break up the building mass. This crown is articulated differently to further accentuate the break. This also functions to conceal any plant/service equipment on the roof. The proposal is a modern interpretation of an industrial, functional architectural language. It celebrates the context in which it lies and provides a mixed use of activity to enhance the interface with the street and railway line.